Remembering Things Lost Upon Awakening...

I am a daydream believer and love to express my dreams and fantasies in my work. Realism and fantasy are one in my life, there is no line dividing the two.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Polka Spots

Location: My place.

Interior Shots

Practicing not using models, it's different... But still got my STYLE!

Location: My place.

Fox and the Lamp

Model: Ali, with an appearance by Charlie

Hair, Makeup, Styling, Editing, & Photos by Gina Barbara

Delirium Photoshoot

Hair, Makeup, Styling, Editing, and Photos by Gina Barbara

Models: Ali Bonita, Bonita Darnell, & Brett DiFeliciantonio


Portfolio Building, Booking